Saturday, August 2, 2014

Hell is in Hosanna

Bird of the Day:   White-headed pigeon, 6 seen on our morning walk to Stokers Siding would have been a winner but already used so Australian Figbird wins.  Big flock award goes to Cattle Egret with many paddocks between Stokers Siding and Corindi Beach graced with 20-30 of this spaces.

Plant of the Day:  Poinciana gets a nod as we are starting to move out of its territory!

Scene of the Day;  Beach at Lennox Heads with many surfers in the water despite the “powerful surf”warning.  A lookout, a little towards Ballina got a few ticks due to the hordes there looking at the surf and the hang-gliders (plucking up courage to launch).

Art of the day;  Windmill house in Ballina

Typically Australian thing of the day:  Being referred to as 'Darls' when buying fish and chips (excellent they were) at Corindi Beach.

Maximum Temperature 21 Minimum temperature  7

Distance traveled  with camper  280 without camper  0

I finished yesterday's post promising a review of the statement  ""We'll just be having a pleasant evening, not getting drunk or anything."   A pleasant family evening for this bunch of bogan degenerates seemed to involve the kids running around screaming until about 10pm and the parents - or at least the chronologially adult members of the group - got fully schickered.  An  appalling night..   Frances comments that arrogant prats claim they are 'family' and anything they do is OK.  Total  losers – Emily and others at Hosanna on 19 July: you know who you are.

I recall that Charles Manson referred to his gang as The Family: obviously he has set up a franchise.

Here is the tasteful scene they left behind.
We walked in to the village again, even though we felt knackered.  Why should Tammy miss an enjoyable part of her day just because some some humans cannot behave with reasonable consideration for others?  This did let me photograph a Poinciana flower!
As we re-entered we noticed their sign talking about the tranquility they offered.  Utter bullshit.  In the reception area they talk about 'Christian values' : presumably these the values of intolerance and utter disregard for others practiced by Christians such as the inquisition.  Bah: I will be passing on the tale of this night to anyone that asks my opinion of this dump (or indeed anyone that I think might spread the word that hosanna is a North Coast word for vermin).

Anyway, to quote Donald Sutherland in Kelly's heroes "Enough with the negative vibrations".

Just past Byron Bay massive work is going on with the Pacific Highway.  It looks as though the solution is to take a huge tunnel through a hillside.

This beach is at Lennox Heads: a settlement that looks as though it should have a War Memorial, but we couldn't find it!
This rather strange garden was on the beach-side road at Ballina.
The memorial in Ballina was next door to the RSL and rather impressive.  I had asked a lady in the street about the location of the Memorial and she knew about Rolls inside the Club but didn't mention this one about 40m from where she was standing!
On down the road towards Corindi (pronounced Corind-eye) Beach.  We passed through Broadwater, where the sugar mill looked to be in operation.

The rest of the drive was focussed on getting down the road past Grafton and getting the camper set up before dark.  The drive wasn't bad, apart from a number of small towns limited to 60 kph.  There seemed to be quite a few overtaking lanes and other drivers seemd to behave sensibly and courteously (unlike .....)

The park at Corindi is right on the beach, which meant that the howling wind was very evident.  For the first time we put up one of our extra walls to shelter us from the wind.  It didn't take long and worked brilliantly.

A very nice touch was owners giving us a welcome bag for Tammy, including a biscuit bone for her and a couple of small plastic bags for dealing with the after-effects of same.  They were a bit apologetic that the amenities block was being refurbished but had set up temprary arrangements nearby.  It did mean we had the pleasure of tradie noises from about 7am to 5 pm, but we weren't around much between those times anyway.

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